Friday, July 4, 2008

Going Green

... greener, anyway.

I bought a book at Half Priced Books t'other day: basically a Vegetarian 101. I love animals - they're delicious - so why a book on vegetarianism? I have been eating hella unhealthily and desperately want to overhaul my eating habits. While I don't want to give up meat, I do want to incorporate tons of Freshies into my diet.

The book is pretty cool. It demystifies the whole "cooking" thing (I am by no means a goddess in the Kitchen), and has pretty awesome recipes to boot.

I picked one out and Merry and I went grocery-shopping this morning. We spent less than usual and got more food out of the deal, which was pretty awesome. We got salad stuffs, things for the new dish tomorrow, sandwich things, and hamburger meat. So, a few meals and a bunch of lunches. Sounds like a winner to me!

I'm excited.

We've been talking about overhauling our food intake for a while now, even merely in portion size, but every time I think "Cut back, gotta cut back", I feel the need to eat compulsively. Not cool.

But for some reason this morning felt like a fresh start. I've had a few light snacks and have eaten healthily on the whole.

I think this is going to stick.


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