Friday, July 25, 2008


I've never considered myself to be much of a cook. My repertoire has mainly comprised of ... macaroni and cheese, very basic quesadillas, and a mean turkey sammitch.

Of late, Merry and I have not been eating at home much, and it has not only hurt our pocket book, but our tummies as well. We've both been feeling a bit worse for the wear, and eating fast food has a lot to do with it, m'thinks.

I've already mentioned my tentative foray into the culinary world... well, its success has inspired me to delve further into the Art. I've been printing off (simple) recipes and compiling them in a binder, and have made one or two more dishes (which have had mixed review from my hostage captivated audience of One - namely, Merry). I however am undeterred (and rather liked the meals to boot)!

I'm simply beside myself. I'm addicted to recipezaar {dot} com and allrecipes {dot} com, and unashamed to admit it.


1 comment:

mummy.danger said...

My boyfriend started exploring cooking several months ago and now he can make a lot of great things. I've been surprised at how simple it is to make dishes that sound so difficult, like souffle.