Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here I sit all lonely hearted ...

Tried to write, but only farted.

On that profound note...

My brother returns from his mission for the Mormon church tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. He's been in Brazil for two years. I haven't seen my brother in two years, and I can't wait! Unfortunately I won't be able to meet him at the airport because of work, but I will be dropping by my mom's place after work. Hopefully he won't be asleep after his long day. :D

It'll be weird being a whole family again ... or as whole as we're ever gonna get, anyway. I have many fond memories of growing up - we used to hang out in his room until wayyy past "bedtime", talking about nothing and everything. We'd laugh so hard and goof off all the time. You know, they're not so much memories as remembered feelings. Does that make sense? If I were to press my memory, I might be able to come up with some of the conversations. What I remember is the laughter, not the joke. I think out of all of my siblings, I was closest to him for a long time. It hasn't been until recently that I've been cultivating deeper relationships with t'others, something that I've been finding most rewarding.

Honestly, it feels like upon the death of my father, we all grew closer - which isn't a bad thing. I relish the growing bonds between each of my siblings and look forward to seeing it continue to grow.

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