Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So much to write about ...

... but there seems to be so little time in which to organize my thoughts, much less write them down.

I prayed the other day, while driving all over creation for work. In my prayer, I decided to test the oft quoted, "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you". I fervently asked that my interest in my meditation practice be focussed once again. For a time, stress had permeated most aspects of my life, and meditation had sadly started to feel like a chore.

That night as I sat before my altar lighting candles, a sweet peace washed over me, and I felt at home, at ease - feelings that had abandoned me when I succombed to the high emotional charge that had been filtering into my every waking moment.

When we take the time to shed the daily grind, and instead focus inward and Upward, inviting the Divine Presence to enter our hearts and lives, nothing can stop us. I truly believe this. I just also tend to forget it, as we are all so prone to do.

Consider yourself reminded. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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