Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recipes anonymous

Hello, my name is Kathryn, and I am addicted to collecting recipes.

I constantly crawl the interwebs, always on the prowl for new recipes to satiate my desire for fresh foodstuffs. Vegetarian, vegan, raw ... you name it, I've probably got a recipe for it.

And iPhone apps! Oh, do I have iPhone apps! I have at least four recipe compilations on my iPhone, one of which is completely vegan; t'others have search filters for vegetarian and vegan meals.

Therein lies my downfall. Though I love hoarding these scrumptious recipes, I seldom get around to using them. I tend to choose the most complex, ingredient-heavy recipes I can find. It's silly, and I know it, but I can't seem to help myself! They all sound so good! Forget the fact that I'll probably spend an extra $20 on specialty ingredients that I'll never find a use for again...

I have a big, black binder chock-full of recipes that I've printed out from online. Maybe my project for this weekend will be to weed out the pages (and pages and pages) of recipes that I'll never realistically get around to, or that are unnecessarily complex.

It is time that I get my recipe addiction under control - or at least give it a nudge in the proper direction. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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