Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Do you have any grey Coupon?

At my sister-in-law Jill's place this morning, we chatted about this and that - my foray back into the musical world, her husband's job, my job, her kids, my partner ... it was a very nice morning, catching up. We don't see each other near enough.

We had just finished talking about how broke we both are, when she got an excited glimmer in her eye. "Wanna see the project I'm working on?" She jumped up and grabbed a big black binder (how's that for alliteration?) that was stuffed to the gills with papers.

We sat down and opened it.

Coupons! Lots and lots of coupons!!

As I poured over the remarkably well-organized pages, she told me about her foray into the highly underrated world of bargain shopping. She told me how much she saves on every shopping trip. She showed me her pantry, pointing to things and telling me what kind of a bargain it was.

Her binder was awesome. She filled it with clear pages meant to hold baseball card collections. Each compartment had a coupon in it. Each tab was marked with a different genre: Toiletries, Breakfast, Meat, Produce ...

I had to keep the mental drool off of my chin.

I'm sold. It was all I could do, when I got back to Dallas, to keep from running to my local Walgreen's to pick up their coupon pamphlets. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I had so much to do before I went back to work that afternoon (alas).

I can't wait to get my own started. Oooh! I already have a binder that I'm filling with recipes. It'd be easy peasy to put a few pages at the back for to hold coupons.


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