Sunday, June 29, 2008

Giving thanks

To the Powers That Be, for these I give thanks:

1. My loving partner - who made me breakfast in bed this morning. 'nuff said.

2. Kisses - that are tender. Kisses that are sweet. Kisses that make tears go away. Kisses that make tears come.

3. Long weekends - we're sharing one at her mother's lake house. I desperately needed it. It has been everything I hoped it would be ... and more.

4. Books - I love to read. I have books on philosophy, theology, music theory, psychology, the occult, comedies, classics .... I love to read.

5. Music - making it, dancing to it (when no one is looking), singing to it. I live it. I love it.

6. Soft grass - that tickles between my toes when I walk on it. There's something so innocent, so grounding in walking barefoot in nature, even if it is only a back yard.

7. Jumping off of the dock - and facing my fears. Granted, I only did it because I knew I could stand up in the area in which I jumped, but it was indeed a momentous occasion: I faced a phobia. (I don't didn't like swimming in water I can't see the bottom of.) Well, that needs to be amended. I can handle standing in it, and playing in the shallow areas. Maybe next summer I'll be ready to try deeper and unknown-er waters.

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