Saturday, September 6, 2008

Shittity Brickitty

About a week and a half ago, because they were buggin', I (finally) decided to ditch the pair of contacts I had been wearing for the past 4 months in favour of putting in my next, fresh pair.

I removed the offending lenses and proceeded to toss them into the toilet. I rummaged in the cabinet and grabbed the box of contact lenses ... only to find it empty! I just threw away my last set of contacts!!

And, to add insult to injury, I had no backup glasses either.

I must have been quite a sight, squinting, crouched over the toilet seat, reaching in to retrieve them. Thankfully, they were floating at the surface, and no serious reconnaissance needed to be done.


The water was clean, but all the same, for one full week I wore lenses that had been all too intimately acquainted with something I'd rather they hadn't known.

Anyway, long story short, the final pair tore in my eye last weekend. Saturday, a day in which I needed to go to the office and work, I spent going to the optometrist and picking out a new pair of glasses.

Honestly, it was a welcome break from a ridiculously long work week. I feel quite sure that it was the Universe's way of telling me to slow the fuck down. Never mind the fact that on Monday morning I was in no way prepared for the week ... I was rested. I had spent a weekend relaxing and taking care of myself.

It. was. wonderful.

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